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Is Solar a Smart Long-Term Strategy for Your Business?

Written by Andrew Abernathy | Aug 30, 2022 5:08:52 PM

Whether you’ve read it in the headlines or seen an installation on your street, you’ve likely noticed that solar energy is gaining a greater presence in daily life. With new technologies being developed and a long list of incentives available, solar has also grown into a viable energy solution for businesses of all sizes.

Maybe you’ve started weighing the benefits of solar for your own company. Of course, the way you power your business is a big decision that deserves consideration beyond its immediate effects. When you’re thinking about the future of your business and where it’ll be many years from now, is solar energy still the right move?

The short answer: Yes.
The short answer, more emphatically: YES!
The full answer: Yes, and here are four reasons why.

  1. Solar energy is affordable (and continues to get cheaper)

For anyone who’s invested in building better energy systems, the affordability of renewable energy is one of the most significant successes in recent history. Renewables are now capable of undercutting fossil fuel prices, largely driven by huge leaps in the affordability of solar power. The per-kilowatt-hour cost of solar energy met initial affordability goals set by the Department of Energy three years earlier than anticipated. In large-scale settings, the cost of solar energy dropped by up to 85% between 2010 and 2020.

Again and again, solar energy has proven its potential as an affordable and scalable tool for meeting the world’s urgent energy needs. This effectiveness draws new confidence and investment in solar technologies—a trend that will surely lead to even more efficiency in the years ahead. In other words, solar energy already holds the potential to reduce energy spending in a meaningful way, and things will only get better from here.

With a Connected Microgrid from Catalyst Power, you’ll be able to enjoy the affordability of solar energy firsthand, starting on day one and ending… well, never. When you sign a Power Purchase Agreement to bring a Connected Microgrid to your property, you’ll be establishing consistent low energy pricing for the duration of your lease. With guaranteed savings and a new level of predictability in your energy spending, you’ll absolutely find yourself feeling more confident as you look ahead to the long-term future.

  1. The day-to-day benefits provide ongoing advantages

You’ll start reaping the key strengths of solar power as soon as your system is up and running. Even better, the advantages will continue to be evident across the years (or even decades). Notably, an increased resilience against power outages will be an asset that continually benefits your business.

While it’s not particularly enjoyable to acknowledge this point, the reality is that extreme weather events are becoming more common as a result of our planet’s changing climate. The massively complex grid that carries energy throughout North America is also showing its age more and more each year. These factors combine to put residences and businesses across the country at a greater risk of power outages, often caused by grid failures in times of heightened stress.

Solar technologies are able to deliver distributed energy—power that is generated and utilized all in one location. By bringing a distributed energy source to your business through a solar solution (like Catalyst Power’s Connected Microgrid), you’re greatly reducing your risk of being affected by future grid-related power outages. When these failures take place, you’ll be able to rely on an on-site energy source that can keep things up and running.

  1. It creates a path to a healthier planet

It’s hard to make this point without sounding hyperbolic, but the impact really can’t be overstated: Choosing to adopt a renewable energy source today is putting us on a path to a healthier, more habitable planet in the years and decades ahead.

The energy sources we use to power our homes and businesses are currently responsible for a significant portion of carbon emissions across the world. Making the shift to solar and other renewable energy sources will allow us to rein in these harmful emissions and reduce the negative effects of climate change on the world around us.

It’s tough to imagine a smarter approach to long-term success than one that allows us to preserve the beautiful, biodiverse earth we’re all able to enjoy right now.

  1. Solar capabilities have never been more robust

The strength of solar energy becomes more apparent on a daily basis. Examples across the country (and beyond) prove that solar power isn’t just a flashy trend, but a major player in building better energy systems to sustain us for years ahead: Renewables, driven by solar and wind, were responsible for more than a quarter of America’s energy production in April. Solar-focused microgrids are the key to a new disaster response plan in the Bahamas. Closer to home, solar energy is helping Texas avoid outages during its hottest months.

Solar is here to stay. It’s an essential tool in building a more sustainable future. And it’s available for each of us to leverage right now. Catalyst Power’s Connected Microgrid solutions bring an on-site solar array right to your property, installed and operated at no cost to you. Along the way, you’ll also be making your business less vulnerable to power outages and locking in lower energy prices that remain consistent each month.

So, is solar a smart long-term strategy for your business? The short answer, once again: Solar is a safe bet for secure, sustainable energy that benefits your bottom line (and the planet) for many years to come.