New York State Commercial Energy Rebates (2024)

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Whether installing solar panels or looking for energy-efficient appliances, commercial energy rebates are great resources for you! Adopting renewable energy technologies and practicing energy efficiency can provide significant advantages for your business, including cost savings and environmental benefits. If you’re based in New York, the opportunities are extensive and worth exploring for those looking for more budget certainty and a chance to create positive sustainability practices. Below, we’ve listed four significant incentives available to New York business owners, each offering substantial financial benefits. 

Drive Clean Rebate—If you’re considering electric vehicles (EVs), the Drive Clean Rebate program offers EV buyers up to $2,000 off the purchase or lease of more than 60 new EV models. This rebate can be combined with the Inflation Reduction Act tax credits, which grant up to 15% of the cost of commercial EVs, making the transition to EVs more affordable and beneficial for your business. Catalyst Power also offers EV charging for your business to pair with these new purchases! 

NY-Sun Commercial and Industrial Incentive Program—This program offers performance-based incentives for Contractors to install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems ranging from 750kW to 7.5MW in the Upstate region. The incentives are based on system size. For example, nonresidential sites 7.5MW or less in the Con Edison region can apply on a first-come, first-served basis, making it easier for you to start your transition into solar. 

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)NYSERDA offers several energy efficiency programs to support business owners, including upgrades for energy-efficient equipment like HVAC, lighting, and controls. Programs like the Con Edison Savings for Multifamily Buildings offer equipment rebates, while others offer small businesses more resources to increase profitability 

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing—PACE provides long-term funding for renewable energy and other projects like lead mitigation of roof upgrades. According to the NYC Accelerator, PACE is “an innovative financing tool that helps commercial and multifamily building owners fund energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. It offers long-term, fixed-rate financing, covering up to 100% of project costs with no cash up-front from the owner.” The financing is attached to the building vs. an individual or business and can be transferred if the building is sold.  

Of course, when you partner with Catalyst Power, we handle all the backend processes for you! We take care of your upfront costs, so you don’t have to; that includes installation and maintenance. If you’re a building owner in New York, there are plenty of ways to ensure cost savings and reduced carbon emissions, and with Catalyst Power as your one-stop shop for all your energy-saving needs, you can feel confident in your decision to move towards a more reliable and sustainable clean energy future.

Our Energy Experts are happy to chat with you about your options.