What You Need to Know About the Local Law 97 Compliance Report

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It’s official! We’ve been reporting about Local Law 97 (LL97) and its fast-approaching compliance deadline, which mandates significant reductions in carbon emissions for large buildings in New York City. This law is crucial in the city’s efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability. According to the compliance report process outlined by the NYC Department of Buildings, building owners must submit their emissions data and demonstrate adherence to the law by May 1, 2025. This includes a detailed reporting process to ensure transparency and accountability and guidance on how to meet the specific requirements laid out for various building types. As the deadline approaches, property owners and managers need to stay informed and prepared to comply with these new regulations. 

What Do I Need to Know? 

When you file your LL97 compliance report, the report will generally require one submission per building. There are instances in which it is appropriate to submit a single report for multiple buildings. You’ll need to have the same owner for multiple buildings, and the buildings must be either on the same lot or adjacent lots.  

As the building owner, you’ll still need to follow the same LL97 compliance pathway as a solo submission, so your combined reports will still require separate calculations for each building’s emissions, not a singular consolidated calculation. 

What Do I Need to Report, and to Who? 

When you are ready to submit your compliance report, here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • Create your DOB NOW account. You’ll need this to pay for your LL97 filing fees.  
  • You’ll also need to create an account for EPA Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) if your building falls under the compliance requirements for LL97, Article 320 (annual), and 321 (one-time). This is where you’ll create a property profile for your building. 
  • Each applicant must pay filing fees through DOB NOW and submit their energy source data through ESPM.  
  • As an applicant, you should also have a Building Energy Analysis Manager (BEAM) account. Payment information is sent to the BEAM by DOB NOW, which is the online reporting portal for LL97. BEAM is where you upload all your supporting documents. 

For more thorough details on the LL97 compliance process, please download NYC.gov’s “Compliance Report Submission Process” PDF below. 

Staying informed and proactive will be key to
navigating the compliance process successfully. As we continue to monitor developments and provide updates, we encourage all building owners to engage with the resources available and take the necessary steps toward compliance, ensuring a cleaner energy future for all New York businesses. Contact our Energy Experts today to learn how we can help!