Does My Business Qualify for Demand Response?

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You’ve heard all about the great benefits of Demand Response, but do you know if your business qualifies for Catalyst Power’s Demand Response program? There’s no better time than now to start monetizing your existing infrastructure and while you’re reducing carbon emissions, you’ll also be busy earning significant energy cost savings.  

What You Need to Know & What to Provide to Us 

To enroll in a Demand Response program with Catalyst Power, you’ll need a few things. Here’s what you need to know to get started to identify if your business qualifies for our program. We’ll need: 

  • Your Customer Name 
  • Utility Account/POD Number 
  • Letter of Authorization (LOA) 
  • Utility Bill Copies  

There are also other details we will need to evaluate an opportunity for your business. Below are a few questions to consider when applying for Demand Response:  

  • How do you intend to reduce your building’s energy usage during peak hours? Will you shut off equipment or enable on-site generation? 
  • Are you using a generator? We need to know the amount of load it can handle. 
  • Are you shutting off your equipment? We need to know the specific actions you plan to take. 
  • Does your business currently participate in a Demand Response program?  If so, what kW level is your participation? 

Who Can Get Demand Response
Currently, Catalyst Power’s primary service area is based in New York (we wrote about this in our recent blog). An ideal candidate for Catalyst Power’s Demand Response program will have an hourly interval meter and must be able to reduce their load by a minimum of 100 kW for a sustained period (typically up to 4 hours).  Each customer's usage profile will vary, but the minimum reduction generally equates to customers who use at least 500,000 kWh a year.  

As a potential Demand Response customer, you’ll also need flexibility to act when a curtailment event is called for. Since Catalyst Power evaluates each opportunity on an individual basis, you should promptly curtail your energy usage during a test. Remember, your participation during a mandatory test or event impacts your business’s performance factor. Since this performance factor remains with you for your current and future payments, you should quickly reduce your energy usage during curtailment. 

More Savings, More Money 
Creating a sustainable energy strategy for your business allows you to reap more financial and environmental benefits in the long run. Whether you choose to back up your supply with on-site generation or shut it off entirely, Catalyst Power can help you determine the best route to take.

Ready to see what Demand Response has to offer your business? Contact one of our Energy Experts today and we’ll help you determine if your business qualifies for a chance to earn more money and immediate
energy cost savings.