How to Buy Commercial Solar: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Adding renewable energy to your long-term energy strategy by investing in commercial solar solutions can be a significant step towards sustainability and cost-efficiency for businesses. Whether you're considering subscribing to a community solar program or setting up a Connected Microgrid ® solution, below is a step-by-step guide just for you. Here's how you can get started:

1. Understanding Community Solar Subscriptions

Community solar programs allow businesses to benefit from solar energy without installing panels on-site. Here’s how to get started:

  • Research Available Programs: Begin by researching community solar programs in your area. Now would be an excellent time to contact your local energy service provider. One of Catalyst Power's areas of expertise is community solar. We offer community solar as a free off-site solar subscription to a local solar farm. After we subscribe your business to the solar farm and the solar arrays go live, your business will be rewarded with a discount on your monthly utility bill. 

  • Sign Up: The subscription is free; we only need your account information. As a subscriber, you receive and benefit from this free discount each month. You should know Catalyst Power’s Community Solar program does not interfere with any of your currently implemented supply options.  All you have to do is sign up for free, and you’ll reduce your energy bill (savings are typically up to 10%) every month.

  • Monitor and Enjoy Savings: After enrollment, you’ll start to see more consistent electricity bills due to all the energy savings (and positive environmental impact!) from the credits allocated from the solar farm's energy production.

2. Installing a Connected Microgrid with Catalyst Power

Deciding to power your business with clean energy puts you on the path to long-term budget certainty and energy cost savings. It helps your business become a sustainable, local asset in your community. One of the best ways to maximize this is through distributed energy generation. For businesses seeking greater energy independence and reliability, installing a Connected Microgrid could be ideal. Here’s how Catalyst Power can assist:

  • Consultation and Assessment: Contact Catalyst Power for a consultation to assess your energy needs and the feasibility of a microgrid installation on your commercial property. We only need your historical usage, underwriting materials, and a signed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). By signing a PPA with Catalyst Power, you lock in a long-term agreement (20-25 years) that gives you a consistent, reliable energy supply and lower energy bills.

  • Design and Proposal: Based on the assessment, Catalyst Power will install a microgrid solution on your property at no cost to you. A Connected Microgrid is a commercial solar panel installed on your property and, if desired, add-on batteries. This solar array uses the energy from the sun to power your business. If you opt for batteries, you’ll store more energy, supporting your business’s everyday energy consumption. This alleviates pressure on the grid, lowering your overall energy cost and reducing your fossil fuel dependency. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions that pollute our air quality and gives you a long-lasting, reliable solution to your high energy bills.

  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Not only does Catalyst Power handle the installation process, but we will continue to maintain the microgrid to ensure optimal performance and keep it running efficiently over its lifespan.

3. Considerations for Both Options

  • Regulatory and Permitting Requirements: Understand local regulations and permitting requirements for installing solar systems or microgrids in your area. Catalyst Power can guide you through this process.

  • Environmental Impact: Both community solar and microgrids contribute to reducing carbon footprints. Evaluate the environmental benefits aligned with your business's sustainability goals.

By following these steps, your business can make informed decisions when purchasing commercial solar solutions through community solar subscriptions or connected microgrid installations with Catalyst Power. You’ll see the return on investment sooner than you think! Contact one of our Energy Experts today, and we’ll set you on the path to immediate savings.