How to Save Money on Commercial Energy Costs in NY

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In New York, you can turn your commercial property into a hub for sustainable energy. Every building has the potential to participate in clean energy and earn money or achieve great cost savings. Considering the renewable energy goals of the state, it’s a wonder more mid-market companies haven’t adopted solar already! It’s more cost-efficient and simpler than ever to adopt solar into your business model.  

In case you’re new here, let’s look at how your business can save you money on commercial energy costs. 

Get Connected  

If you want to get solar panels so you can directly consume clean energy generated on your property and still earn cost savings on your monthly energy bill, we can put all those benefits in one with our one-of-a-kind Connected Microgrid solution. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering our innovative, behind-the-meter solution: 

  • You’ll need an interval meter. 
  • Preferred for medium-sized businesses. 
  • We’ll need your contact and utility information (i.e., electric bill and Letter of Authorization) for access to your historical usage. 

With a Connected Microgrid, you get cheaper energy from your on-site solar solution, which means you use less brown energy from the utility and get front-row seats to the benefits of peak-shaving your energy costs 

Rooftop Leasing Goals 

Never underestimate the power of your rooftop space. It may be underutilized for now, but it doesn’t lack potential. Rooftop Leasing is your best option to participate in solar if you’re a commercial business owner in New York. It’s great for customers who want to see a quick return on their investment, and by return, we mean a monthly cash payment for letting us lease your rooftop space.  

That’s right. If you partner with Catalyst Power, we will pay you to host solar on your roof.  

We’re so invested in making sure you get the most out of your building, we build, own, and operate the solar array for youat no cost. Imagine how much money you just saved because Catalyst Power covered the installation and maintenance costs of the solar array! You earn a new revenue stream from the lease and don’t have to pay for your new solar panels.  

Community Solar Opportunities 

If you’re wondering how to achieve cost savings with or without hosting solar on your building, you can do so with a Community Solar subscription. Once you subscribe, you can save money on your monthly energy bill, earning you up to 10% savings. Bonus? There’s no cost to sign up! 

Community Solar with Catalyst Power can easily be bundled with a Rooftop Lease or traditional retail energy supply. 

We’re Here for You 

We make all of these products and services available to you through our easy-to-use online portal. But if you want to hear the soothing sounds of a voice saving you money, you can contact one of our Energy Experts today.