6 Surprising Energy Hogs Around the Workplace

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You might be surprised to discover where your energy really goes in the office. Some unexpected culprits could be draining your energy budget, and they’re called “energy hogs.” 

So, what exactly is an energy hog? 

An energy hog is an informal term for something that uses a large amount of electricity. At first, it appears harmless—just everyday items that you rarely notice. However, they contribute to an organization's daily operations. 

Unfortunately, office appliances and devices drain energy, even while they’re plugged in or switched on, and especially when they’re not being used. They function as essentials for the office but could cost you more money in the long run as they drain excess energy. 

Below is a list of energy hogs in common workplaces and what you can do about them. 

Energy Hogs in Your Workspace

Desktop Computers
Desktops are not the most energy-efficient and consume a considerable amount of electricity! These energy hogs are typically left on overnight in sleep mode and contribute to hefty energy bills. According to Vitality.com, depending on the model, computers use an average between 60 and 300 watts of electricity, but larger desktops use up to 400 watts! How much you’re using your computer also impacts your electricity usage over time. 

Light bulbs are among the biggest contributors to high energy bills. It is common to leave them on in unoccupied spaces. Talk about a waste of energy! Consider switching to LED lights for your office for greater cost savings. When comparing traditional incandescent lightbulbs to LEDs, energy costs were nearly $10 lower per year, according to Batteries Plus, and the bulbs have a significantly longer lifespan (1 year vs 15-20 years respectively). Considering that lighting accounts for 20-30% of your electric bill, LEDs are more energy efficient over time.  

Printers and Copiers
When you think of electricity consumption, you might overlook your printers and copiers. They use significant power, and office copiers and scanners are always on standby, waiting for you to use them. It’s easy to overlook the amount of energy consumption when they’re left running unattended in standby mode, even after office hours. Some models offer energy-efficient features, but not all. Fax machines also contribute to your electricity use. A useful tip to conserve energy here is to “[use] power-saving features that can be enabled in their settings. These features automatically reduce power consumption during idle periods. Utilize these settings to help save power without compromising on performance.” according to DEX Imaging. Additional energy-saving ideas include optimizing print settings, like print quality or using less color printing. Additional energy-saving ideas include optimizing print settings, like print quality or using less color printing. 

Portable Heaters
It’s not a surprise that employees bring portable heaters to their workspace during the colder months, but these cozy appliances significantly spike energy usage if used excessively. Alternative energy-efficient options include flat panel heaters, heated footrests, or heated rubber mats. 

Your office fridge is necessary (no one wants a hangry coworking space), but older models can significantly reduce your potential energy savings.  Since it’s the best way to keep food and drinks cool, consider more energy-efficient options, like ENERGY STAR-qualified refrigerators, so you’re spending less money and using less energy. 2021 marked a turning point for new refrigerators and freezers under the Department of Energy’s updated energy efficiency standards. “Manufacturers estimate the new standards will reduce the energy use in new refrigerators by 10-15%, depending on product type, according to UtilityDive.com.  

Air Conditioning Units
What would you do on a hot summer day without air conditioning? The AC constantly pumps, spiking energy costs. In our recent blog post, learn more about keeping the ideal temperature in your workspace. 

Here’s How Catalyst Power Can Help

Catalyst Power offers an array of innovative retail electricity and distributed energy solutions that provide immediate cost savings and more budget certainty for your bottom line. Instead of running around the office unplugging every appliance (although that’s not a bad idea), consider signing up for one of our solar products, like our Connected Microgrid® solution, which brings no-cost, on-site solar generation straight to your property. You have more control over your energy and can reduce your carbon emissions at the same time as your costs.  

If you’d like a more “hands-off” approach, we offer community solar subscriptions that help you save up to 10% on your monthly utility bill. We subscribe your business to a local solar farm without the hassle of considering the installation of a solar asset on or at your building.