What Is Commercial Battery Energy Storage?

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When discussing solar solutions, you may have heard of the term battery storage or energy storage. The two are interchangeable, but for the sake of this article, let’s stick with battery energy storage. Commercial battery energy storage is a necessary technology in the evolution of solar and distributed energy resources. Battery energy storage operates like a power station and can be used with a variety of renewable energy sources, but it’s a match made in heaven when paired with solar panels. It’s the best way to take all the power you get from the sun and store it for later use when you need it.   

How Does It Work?  

Energy storage solutions work with our electric grid’s power supply and energy demand. It can charge or collect energy from the grid or another power source to be activated later. During the day (aka peak hours), your battery energy storage system (BESS) is charged by the electricity, preferably generated from a Catalyst Power Connected Microgrid solution. The distributed generation system optimizes the stored energy using algorithms to coordinate solar energy production. The energy is then discharged during peak hours and can be used directly for your business for backup power.   

What Is It Used For?  

Battery energy storage can be used for peak shaving, emergency backup during outages (in combination with our Connected Microgrid solution), load shifting, and other grid services. In this case, it’s great for high-energy users like mid-market commercial businesses to work towards energy peak shaving. Your monthly electricity bill runs according to the energy market, and those prices change regularly. When you adopt battery energy storage, your typical demand charges are reduced, and your business consumes clean renewable energy while saving money. 

If you are a landowner or a mid-market business owner running laps in commercial and industrial industries, maximizing your resources is the best move for your bottom line and your brand. Just ask our CEO, Gabe Phillips. In his interview with the Entrepreneurs for Impact podcast, we learn that “there's the obvious decarbonization element as long as it's renewable or a storage resource that can shift consumption from higher carbon intensity hours to lower carbon intensity hours.” That means peak shaving and immediate savings. 

Battery energy storage is designed to create more room in your budget by decreasing high-demand charges. We took a look at three types of BESS:  

Types of Energy Storage 

Depending heavily on fossil fuels can lead to excess carbon emissions and relying solely on the grid keeps you on the rollercoaster ride of volatile pricing. What’s a mid-market commercial business to do? Let’s explore the types of energy storage to consider and why battery energy storage is your business’s best bet.   
Battery Energy Storage-There are a few categories of energy storage, but the one your future self will thank you for is battery energy storage. Solar-plus-storage is the solution to today’s energy problem and it’s how you generate electricity on-site without the hassle of price hikes on the energy market. When you partner with Catalyst Power, you position your business to take control of its energy costs and Catalyst Power helps you do that by building, owning, and operating all the equipment for you at no cost. Sure, our one-of-a-kind Connected Microgrid solution is a distributed generation product with benefits that can stand alone. But the additional battery energy storage will take your profits to new heights and keep your monthly electricity bill lower than it has ever been.  

Thermal Energy Storage-Thermal storage is the excess energy produced by a renewable resource (i.e., wind) that is converted into heat. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the energy is “stored in tanks or other vessels filled with materials to be used at a later time.” This is a point for thermal energy storage, but the biggest issue is that it’s only suitable for seasonal energy storage. Running your business is year-round! Between its limited storage capacity and short lifespan, there’s potentially more downside than up. Plus, no one is footing the bill to build a wind farm in your backyard like we do with solar!  

Hydrogen Storage-At first look, hydrogen storage systems seem more cost-efficient. It stores more energy due to its higher energy density and that helps it go the distance. However, battery energy storage has a higher efficiency compared to hydrogen storage, is easier to operate, and delivers more universal power with a better infrastructure. 

Secure Your Future with Solar Power  

Combining solar power with battery energy storage can reduce your carbon footprint and save your business money now and in the future. You don’t have to wait for a solution to your energy woes; we’re ready to help you refine your energy management and get immediate cost savings on your energy bills.  



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