Community Solar vs Rooftop Solar: How to Choose

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So, you’re thinking about transitioning to solar energy? Great choice! Whether you’re a clean energy fan or just someone who likes reducing your business’s utility bills, solar power is an efficient and sustainable way to go. As you consider more solar options, you might find yourself at a crossroads: Community Solar vs. Rooftop Solar. Below, we offer a guide to making the choice that will work best for your energy strategy. 

Why Should You Choose Rooftop Solar:   

Installing solar panels on commercial rooftops is lighter, easier, and cheaper than ever. They reduce carbon emissions right on your roof, soaking up the sun’s rays like a sponge. You might prefer rooftop solar if your business could benefit from the following: 

  • Hands-Free Control: With rooftop solar, you maintain control of your space while Catalyst Power handles the rest. We own, operate, and maintain the array for you, so there are no upfront costs! You aren’t paying for installation and maintenance—we handle that.  
  • Monthly Income: Beyond energy savings, hosting solar panels on the roof of your business can generate additional income.  You’ll not only support your local community in its ESG goals, but you’ll also receive a monthly payment from us to host on your roof. Rooftop leasing is one of the best ways to use renewable energy to monetize your commercial building without investing in the installation. 

Although, you should ask yourself one question when considering this route: 

  • Is my roof suitable for rooftop solar? While you might be eligible for a roof repair by Catalyst Power, the best candidates for a rooftop lease are buildings with newer or well-maintained metal rooftops. Ideally, your roof is in good condition and can be expected to last 25 years without needing repairs or replacement. This ensures you can maximize the benefits and value of your lease agreement.  

Community Solar: The Team Player’s Choice 

If rooftop solar is a solo act, then community solar is an ensemble—a collaborative effort to bring solar power to your community without needing panels on your own roof. The beauty of community solar is that everyone in your area can benefit from it, not just a single building.  It’s an excellent option if you’re more interested in reducing costs than earning a monthly payment, and if you like the idea of sharing solar benefits with others. 

  • No Roof, No Problem: Community solar is perfect for those who can’t or don’t want to install panels on their roof. Even with a shady roof, you can still benefit from solar energy. You are connected to a local solar farm off-site when you subscribe to a community solar subscription.  
  • No Cost to Sign Up: Speaking of subscribing, Catalyst Power offers community solar subscriptions at no cost to you. Not only do you avoid installation and maintenance expenses, but you are also saving up to 10% on your monthly electricity costs.  

There are significant benefits of community solar, but here’s where it differs from rooftop solar: 

  • Availability: Community solar programs aren’t available everywhere. Your ability to participate depends on whether there’s a program in your area and how it is structured (including potential incentives and rebates).  

So, How Do You Choose? 

Ultimately, the decision between community solar and rooftop solar boils down to a few key factors: your building’s location, financial considerations and goals (the ultimate question: to save the money or make money?), and personal preferences. It is key to determine what makes the most sense for your bottom line—and your carbon footprint. 

In the end, both options shine brightly in their own way. Whether you’re enjoying the direct benefits of your rooftop panels or soaking up the communal benefits of a solar farm (yay, energy efficiency!), you’ll be positively impacting your budget and the planet.