What is a Connected Microgrid?

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Businesses today are increasingly seeking energy solutions that not only lower costs and provide budget certainty, but also contribute positively to the environment and ensure reliable outage protection. Enter the Connected Microgrid ® solution by Catalyst Power, a game-changing approach to energy management that combines sustainability with economic benefits.

What is a Connected Microgrid?

Our Connected Microgrid is a localized, sustainable version of the traditional power grid, a great example of distributed energy resources. It integrates on-site energy resources such as solar panels (with optional battery energy storage) while remaining connected to the larger utility grid. This setup ensures continuous access to electricity while enhancing efficiency and resilience.

How does a Connected Microgrid work with Catalyst Power?

When your business opts for a Connected Microgrid solution with Catalyst Power, solar panels are installed on-site at no upfront cost. We take ownership of the equipment, operate it, and sell the produced energy back to your business at a competitive, fixed rate. This arrangement offers several advantages:

  • Positive Environmental Impact: By increasing the use of renewable energy sources, businesses directly contribute to sustainability efforts, reducing carbon emissions for future generations.

  • Immediate Savings: The transition to on-site solar energy immediately reduces reliance on retail power, providing tangible cost savings from day one.

  • Budget Certainty: A long-term fixed-price Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) gives businesses predictable energy costs, enabling better financial planning and stability.

  • Outage Protection: By generating your own power supply on-site, your business pulls from the main grid when necessary, minimizing the risk and impact of potential short-term outages.

Why Choose Catalyst Power for Your Energy Needs?

While businesses could opt to install solar panels independently, Catalyst Power simplifies the process by handling all aspects of on-site energy production and management. This allows companies to focus on their core operations while benefiting from proximity to their energy source without the complexities of ownership.

Understanding Budget Certainty

With Catalyst Power's PPA, your business can mitigate electricity market risks, ensuring consistent and manageable energy expenditures for the duration of your contract. This enables you to scale your business effectively.

Addressing Common Concerns

Lease and Ownership Considerations: Businesses with long-term leases or ownership of their premises are ideally suited for a Connected Microgrid solution. For shorter leases, involving landlords (which many Catalyst Power clients do!) in decision-making can still facilitate adoption.

Installation Timeline: Upon signing a PPA, businesses can expect to start using energy from their Connected Microgrid within 6 to 9 months, factoring in equipment construction and regulatory approvals.

Sustainability at Its Core

A Connected Microgrid enhances sustainability by minimizing energy transmission losses associated with traditional grids. This solution reduces operational costs and strengthens renewable energy markets, increasing clean energy usage.

Simplifying Your Path to Energy Independence

Getting started with a Connected Microgrid solution from Catalyst Power is a straightforward and convenient option for your business. Contact our Energy Experts today to learn more.

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