Making Your Business More Cost Effective with Solar Energy

make your business more cost effective

It’s well-known that the energy market fluctuates—soaring prices, supply chain challenges, recession fears, and more. These events can create a challenging environment for business owners looking to maintain some level of predictability in their operating expenses and plan confidently for the future.

Fortunately, there are ways to insulate yourself against the disorienting effects of years like these. One of a company’s most necessary expenditures—energy—also presents plenty of room for increased efficiency.

Beginning the transition to renewable energy is a surefire way to increase your resilience in the face of economic uncertainty. It brings predictability in spending and the knowledge that you’re aligning yourself favorably with long-term trends. Through a single decision, you’ll set your business up to benefit from day-to-day savings and reap more rewards in the future.

Here are three factors that make solar energy a cost-effective choice for your business.

It’s Inexpensive to Purchase Solar Energy

We’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating regularly: Solar power and other renewable energy sources are cheap and well insulated against wild price fluctuations.

The same cannot be said about fossil fuels. After months of high demand and rising prices, oil-exporting countries are now cutting their supplies to prevent costs from dropping as fears of a global recession linger. In other words, oil providers are playing puppet masters with global supplies to maximize their profits.

Frankly, it’s not a new situation. Energy prices have always been influenced by profit margins and opportunism. It’s impossible to escape… unless you take control of your power supply and start using clean, reliable energy generated much closer to home!

And why wouldn’t you? As we said a moment ago, renewables are cheap. Really cheap. Solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources are consistently less expensive than fossil fuels. (It’s also cheaper to build new solar and wind facilities than fossil fuel power plants, even with current supply chain problems in mind.)

Less expensive power sources mean lower energy bills each month. It really is that simple.

Policy Changes are Strengthening Our Renewable Energy Infrastructure

Renewable energy prices have dropped consistently and significantly over the last decade. Now, thanks to recent actions on energy policy at the federal level, many experts believe the future for renewables will only keep getting brighter.

The Inflation Reduction Act marked the most significant action ever taken by the U.S. government to address climate change. Some really significant provisions are designed to support the development of clean energy technologies within the bill. Among them, two notable highlights are a tax credit encouraging renewable energy storage projects—which allows power from sources like solar and wind to be collected for around-the-clock use—and strengthened incentives for solar manufacturers.

What does that mean for you? A few things: First, the practical possibilities for solar and other renewables will expand moving forward, and it’ll probably happen fast. The incentives for new developments in the renewable energy sector have never been more substantial. Second, you can expect to see increased opportunities for cost savings on your electricity bills. As our domestic clean energy industry grows, technologies will become less expensive and more efficient. Win-win.

Renewable energy has been the right decision for your budget and the planet for years. Now, high-level policy support makes it an even wiser choice. Getting started with a solar energy solution now means you’ll be properly equipped to adopt more money-saving technologies in the future.

Solar Energy Can Help You Avoid Expensive Power Outages

History shows that, whether it is winter storms in Texas, record heat in California, or high winds in the Midwest, regions across the country encounter severe weather events threatening to curtail energy access at normal levels.

In addition to creating a dangerous and scary situation, losing power can be tremendously costly. Lost business, damaged goods, and other consequential effects often take a real toll on a company’s financials. Proactively guarding against power outages is a smart business decision, in addition to being a good safety measure.

Renewable energy sources bring power generation closer to home. Instead of relying on a nationwide network of wires that’ll have you fighting thousands (if not millions) of other customers for limited resources during a major power outage, you’ll be able to rely on an energy system that can continue functioning even when it’s disconnected from the larger power grid.

Plus, there’s a significant added benefit. By shifting to solar energy, you’ll be doing your part to accelerate America’s transition toward renewable energy and aid in preventing future climate-driven energy events. It’s the right thing to do for the earth and will boost your business's PR.

Accessing More Cost-Effective Energy Solutions

With Catalyst Power’s Connected Microgrid ® solution, you can immediately tap into all the bottom-line benefits we discussed. A Connected Microgrid brings solar power generation right to your property through solar panels installed on-site, locking in fixed low costs for the duration of your commitment and providing relief on your monthly energy spending as soon as the system is up and running.

If we haven’t made it clear already, helping you operate a more cost-effective business is something we take seriously!  Immediate cost savingsbudget certainty, and protection against outages are three of the key components we focus on delivering to all of our customers through Connected Microgrid technologies and other solar energy solutions. We’re here to help you be more efficient through the power of renewables.

And there’s one more piece of very good news: You don’t have to make any big investments to access these cost-saving benefits. Your Connected Microgrid will be installed and maintained by Catalyst Power at no upfront cost to you. That’s right, your installation costs are on us!

Connecting to Community Solar

If you’re not calling the shots on behalf of your physical building, Community Solar may be the right move. Simply put, a subscription to a local solar farm is guaranteed to reduce your monthly spending and carbon footprint. (Your move, Netflix.)

It really is that straightforward: When you choose community solar, Catalyst Power will subscribe your business to a local solar farm being built in your area. You'll start receiving the bill credits from the solar farm as soon as it begins generating energy. These credits translate directly to guaranteed savings on your monthly energy bill, with savings typically up to 10%.

You’ll start saving as soon as your selected solar farm goes live. Demand is high for participation in community solar projects and is limited by the number of solar credits available in each utility footprint each year. So, the decision to sign up sooner will get you connected faster. After all, the end result is a reduction in energy costs that you can rely on over the long term. Why wait?

Whether you choose a Connected Microgrid or prefer to tap into a Community Solar project in your area, you’ll take advantage of immediate savings and long-term budget certainty to make your business more resilient in the face of volatile energy markets. You’ll also enjoy protection against future short-term outages (since you’ll be bringing the energy source closer to your business) and the knowledge that you’re directly supporting power systems that are better for the planet—added benefits that are pretty hard to ignore.

Increased cost-effectiveness and sustainability with no new financial obligations—what could be better? A solar-powered future means environmental and financial benefits for your business. Contact an Energy Expert today!