Green Giants Podcast Featuring Catalyst Power CEO Gabe Phillips

Catalyst Power (5)

Catalyst Power CEO Gabe Phillips recently sat down with Green Giants: Titans of Renewable Energy podcast host Wes Ashworth to discuss the latest technologies that are transforming the way commercial and industrial (C&I) businesses tap into renewable energy! The two did a deep dive into the challenges C&I customers face when adopting clean energy solutions and more. Listeners also get great insight into just how Catalyst Power is overcoming these challenges with innovative solutions. Below, you will find a couple of excerpts from their conversation.   
You can listen to the full episode here: 

The interview below has been edited for brevity.   

Gabe speaking on the motivation to focus on the C&I sector: 

“I wanted to find a way to use all of that background in one business. And again, stumbling upon a market segment that was completely ignored was the key for me, because it was ignored by all of those various solutions providers. [To] me that was like an obvious gap that if I could provide retail power to a customer under a brown power construct using that to keep the lights on while I work towards the more chunky and difficult to ascertain renewable opportunity with that customer, then it was very similar to what I did in my last business. It felt familiar and it was a way to move capital into a space that others weren’t finding a way to do and to do it profitably and efficiently. You know, we come to the customer already armed with knowing everything that there is to know about what they consume, when they consume it, and how much it costs and that gives us this tremendous leg up.” 

Gabe speaking on the unique challenges facing middle-market commercial customers: 

“An independent business owner is just a person, just like you and me. And they have to make decisions that cover a whole host of topics in their business. And in general, they don’t have a massive support staff behind them to assist with that decision making. They can’t hire a 12-person energy procurement team to help them ascertain the best way to buy, the best way to be supportive of their environmental goals (if they have any), and still impact their pocketbook the appropriate way. 

That’s part of the suite of challenges associated with the independent commercial sector. They have the level of sophistication that’s typically used to characterize a residential consumer, but they have big energy problems to solve. They have big dollars associated with it, and they typically have complex building systems. In some industries, it’s a huge part of their cost of goods, and they don’t have the depth and time to be able to figure out the optimal solution for them.” 

Enjoyed the conversation?  Connect with one of our Energy Experts today to explore the distributed energy solutions Gabe mentioned and discover the best options for your business.