How To Do an Energy Audit on a Commercial Property With Catalyst Power

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Ready to shed some light on your commercial property's potential cost savings? If your energy bills are climbing, it might be time for an energy audit. Unlike other “energy audits” that you might have come across that look at switching out light bulbs or smaller, interior energy efficiency upgrades, a commercial energy audit through Catalyst Power is an opportunity to evaluate a building’s energy use and efficiency. If you’ve looked at your energy load profile lately (a graph that shows your daily or seasonal energy usage), you’ve probably noticed where those demand charges are coming from. Partnering with us now can lead to lower energy costs. 

The Power of Preparation 

Before you start poking around power outlets, gather your preliminary data for us. This necessary step helps to provide information to properly evaluate your property. Here’s what you’ll need to collect: 

  • Building specs (size, age, occupancy) 
  • Energy bills (the more you have from the past year, the better) 
  • Equipment inventory (from the mightiest chiller to the humblest desk lamp) 

Armed with this info for your audit, you'll be ready to hit the ground running. 

How to Upgrade Your Energy System with Solar  
As you identify a  few energy-intensive items during your own energy audit for your commercial building, like your HVAC systems or your building’s lighting, it's an excellent time to consider other long-term efficiency improvements involving cleaner (and often cheaper) power sources. One upgrade to consider is Catalyst Power’s Connected Microgrid® solution. Not only does it lower your monthly utility bill (say hello to energy savings!), but it also upgrades your overall energy management by creating more predictable operational costs (through a reduction in peak demand charges).

A Connected Microgrid can help you reduce energy costs and your carbon footprint. It uses renewable energy, like solar on-site at your property, which will help you meet your sustainability goals. You’re also not responsible for the operating costs; Catalyst Power builds, owns, and operates the solar array for you at no cost. Our Connected Microgrid features optional battery storage, another significant investment in keeping your building’s energy consumption in check.  

We may not screw in the light bulbs, but we can help you keep the lights on with our innovative solution. Fill out the form below to download our Connected Microgrid FAQ sheet (PDF):