Protecting Your Business in Hurricane Season

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It is officially Hurricane season in the US. In years past, that was mostly a southern and coastal problem, but the climate crisis has increased the severity of most natural disasters, water tornados included. From mid-August through November, the moist atmosphere combined with rising water temperatures has led to an uptick in hurricanes and the intense thunderstorms and weather events that they leave in their wake. 

Severe weather of all kinds has a stark impact on energy and energy consumption. In the case of hurricane-adjacent activity (thunderstorms, high winds, flash floods, etc.) many homes, communities, and businesses lose power. Grid resilience from renewable energy sources can make a meaningful difference in helping folks navigate these (increasingly numerous) disasters.

Hopefully, we’re past the point in our collective energy consciousness where we think “solar energy doesn’t work if the sun isn’t out,” but just in case: it absolutely does. In fact, solar energy, particularly from a Connected Microgrid, when combined with battery storage, can protect against short-term power outages from inclement weather like hurricanes and their ilk.

Adding battery storage to your existing infrastructure when you sign up for a Connected Microgrid increases your chances of protection against unplanned outages. The added bonus: Catalyst Power will build, own, and operate the customized solar array for you at no cost!

And, of course, there’s the benefit double-whammy of renewable energy: not only does a Connected Microgrid with battery storage protect against short-term power outages, but a collectively diminished reliance on fossil fuels can actively reduce the impacts of climate change and reduce the occurrences of the severe weather that causes those outages in the first place. 

This is more than just a hypothetical promise of the benefits of a new(ish) technology. Last year, when Hurricanes Fiona and Ian shook Puerto Rico and Florida, solar power got an unintentional (and, of course, undesirable) test case. Residents who had solar panels found themselves better equipped to handle power outages, and some were even able to share energy with their neighbors. Solar power gives people access to energy without requiring generators or fuel. They also didn’t have to worry about fallen power lines or how long repairs would take. 

Not only can renewable energy solutions like our Connected Microgrid combat the inequality that climate change is causing in underserved communities, but they have provided and will continue to provide energy security during the aftermath of severe events like hurricanes. Turns out that real emergency preparedness doesn’t belong in a go-bag in the back of a closet, now that solar power is finally getting its day in the sun. 

Contact our Energy Experts today to learn more about our Connected Microgrid and battery storage solutions.